Client Testimonial from Cleveland Pools Trust “The Cleveland Pools Trust (CPT), a charity devoted to restoring the historic Cleveland Pools, in Bath, and returning them to public use, was extremely lucky to benefit from the professional advice and services of local resident Polly Rathbone Ward, of RHR Rathbone HR Solutions. The CPT was in need of professional guidance to review and update the trust’s policy, to ensure they remained relevant and compliant. Polly undertook a thorough review of the existing Trust policies and presented to the board of trustees her findings and recommendations. Polly was extremely generous in dedicating a significant amount of time to amend, update and produce, new Trust policies as required. She did this with true professionalism and displayed great expertise in her field. Polly always approached our requests with enthusiasm, and was clearly very committed to get things right for all those involved. Her communication with the trustees was exemplary. She enabled the Trust to implement a new, registered charity compliant, volunteer’s handbook, which has been successfully shared with over 200 volunteers.Polly continues to support the Cleveland Pools Trust with HR advice and professional services, to ensure the trust looks after it’s employees and volunteers to an extremely high standard.” — Cleveland Pools Trust, Board of Trustees