Supercharge Your Recruitment Process
Welcome to our recruitment training course, where we’ll share our knowledge on all the best practices required to recruit the best team for your business!
Unit 1 - Planning your Vacancy
Module 1: Defining the Vacancy
Before you begin the search for a new employee, you must first define what it is you’re looking for, and what you could offer prospective candidates.
Module 2: Planning Recruitment Campaigns and Interviews
Thoroughly planning the recruitment and interview processes are the key to an effective and straightforward hiring process. Here’s how to keep these campaigns running as smoothly as possible.
Module 3: Advertising the Vacancy
It’s important to plan how and where you’ll be advertising for your vacancy. In this lesson, we’ll dive into what makes a good job advertisement, what you need to include and how to make sure it reaches the right candidates.
Download: Legal Obligations as an Employer
There are a number of pieces of legislation related to recruiting and hiring employees - here’s a summary of the most relevant employment laws associated with hiring.
Download: Template Job Description and Person Specification
To assist you in your recruitment process, here’s a downloadable job description and person specification to get you started.
Unit 2 - Attracting Candidates and Screening Applications
Module 1: Unconscious Bias
In this lesson, we’ll go over how to avoid bias and what protections applicants have from discrimination.
Module 2: Attracting Candidates
In this lesson, we’ll share how to attract those high quality candidates to apply for your vacancy.
Module 3: Screening Candidates
Screening candidates is an important part of the recruitment process, and it must be done fairly. Here’s how.
Unit 3 - The Interview Process
Module 1: Interview Preparation
Just like your applicants, you must also prepare yourself for the interview. This lesson will explain why and how.
Download: Interview Questions
This download is filled with the right questions you should be asking your candidates during their interview.
Module 2: Running the Interview
The way your run your interview is important because not only will it impact the information you learn about your candidates, it also affects your company’s reputation! This lesson will teach you how to run an interview process smoothly.
Download: The STAR Interview Method
The STAR method can be used to get the right information, or the full story, from your candidates during their interviews. Here’s a downloadable template to get you started.
Unit 4 - Job Offers and Post-Recruitment
Module 1: Job Offers
This lesson will go over the most important things to include in a job offer, and the protocol that comes with it.
Module 2: Background Checks
This lesson will explain the different types of background checks you should carry out, and why.
Module 3: Feedback and Candidate Communicaton
How you communicate with your candidates has a massive impact on both their likelihood of accepting any offers and your company’s attractiveness in the job market. This lesson contains our top tips on communicating with your candidates.
Module 4: Record Keeping and Data Protection
This lesson will discuss the importance of managing the massive amounts of data that you’ll accumulate over your recruitment process correctly and legally.
Unit 5 - Preparing for Your New Employee
Module 1: Following Recruitment
This lesson details our top tips on making the most of the time between job acceptance and the new employee’s start date.
Module 2: Onboarding and Induction
In this lesson, we’ll go over the best practices and things to include during the onboarding and induction of your new hire.
Download: Template Induction Timetable
Here’s a checklist that includes everything you need to remember during a new employee’s induction process.
Module 3: Practical Considerations
In this lesson, we’ll discuss all of the essential practical things you must consider when preparing to welcome a new employee.
Module 4: A Seamless First Week
This final lesson will cover how to ensure that your new hire’s first week goes smoothly.