What are the HR basics for a new employer?
If you’re considering employing somebody for the first time or have recently employed someone then it may be that your business is expanding and you have an increased workload to cover. This is an exciting time for you and your business! CONGRATULATIONS!
We’ve rounded up some integral legal obligations and practical considerations, which will help you to be legally compliant and manage employees effectively.
- Contract of employment. New employees must be provided with a written statement setting out the main terms of their employment.
- Pay - The national minimum wage (NMW) applies to all workers and is paid at different rates according to age. There is a separate rate for apprentices, and a National Living Wage (NLW) applies to workers aged 25 and over. The minimum wage rates are reviewed annually, usually in April.
- Eligibility to work - To determine whether or not a candidate has the right to work in the UK, you should ask them to produce original documents showing they have the right to work in the UK, check that the documents do relate to them and keep a copy.
- Employers’ liability insurance - You need employers’ liability insurance as soon as you become an employer from an authorised insurer.
- HMRC - Register as an employer with HM Revenue and Customs.
- Pension auto enrolment – Employers have an obligation to automatically enrol employees into a pension scheme, subject to eligibility criteria.
- Health and Safety - An employer owes a duty of reasonable care to its employees, which includes a duty to provide employees with adequate materials and resources for the work, and to operate a safe system of work.
- Employment policies - Disciplinary and grievance policies are required at the least.
If your business is growing and you are considering hiring people or you have recently hired team members, please do get in touch for further assistance - polly@rathbonehrsolutions.co.uk