"No jab, no job"

The “No jab, No job” topic has sparked debate again after multiple large corporations such as Facebook and Google have said they will be restricting office access to any employees who have not been vaccinated in the US. 

UK ministers are feeling the pressure with the “no jab, no job” policies that companies are implementing after concerns of legal action being taken for discriminative reasons. 

So what can you do as an employer to protect your staff and customers whilst being mindful to not discriminate against individuals?

  • Don’t take a blanket approach. Everyone will have different views on this sensitive topic.

  • Encourage the vaccine and provide information for employees rather than mandate it.

  • Talk about the importance and benefits of the vaccine as a form of encouragement.

  • Be mindful of peoples beliefs and reasons for not getting the vaccine.

  • Show that you are listening and understanding these reasons as they may be linked to personal reasons such as religious beliefs and health complications.


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