Bath HR Network Virtual Coffee Morning with Workplace Wellness

The Bath HR Network are delighted to be joined by one of our regular contributors, Workplace Wellness, for our next virtual coffee morning on Wednesday 14th July at 10:30am.

With thousands of people still unwell months after contracting coronavirus, what should organisations be doing to support employees suffering from the condition?

Many of those suffering from the effects of long covid may find it difficult to return to work, and even weeks later could be struggling to cope with the everyday demands of a busy job. Many businesses across the UK are struggling to get going again after months of depressed sales, limited growth and a workforce that’s become used to working from home so managing those who are still suffering the physical after-effects of covid 19 could pose some serious challenges.

Workplace Wellness has recently been advising clients on a number of really quite unusual cases and are going to be presenting them to the Society of Occupational Medicine. They will be sharing some of these case studies with us and will outline the advice they have been giving to clients.

There will be a Q&A session at the end so please come ready with your questions!

NB: Please note the later than normal start to this event.

To book your place please click on the Book Now button below.

We look forward to seeing you there.


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