Have you created a wellbeing strategy for your business?
Wellbeing strategy - Why is this important?
The last 12 months have created an urgent shift towards a proactive approach to wellbeing.
A wellbeing strategy details how you will help to support employees to lead healthy and fulfilling lives inside and outside of work. Having a strategy rather than an ad hoc approach will ensure your wellbeing initiatives are cohesive and effectively support the needs of your employees.
In addition, having a focus on wellbeing will help to reduce sickness absence, improve productivity and enhance employee engagement.
Steps to take to develop a wellbeing strategy
1. Planning and preparation
Gather data to show where you are now, what you currently offer and what your wellbeing goals are for the future.
You could consider asking the following questions:
- What are the current levels of sickness absence, employee engagement, etc?
- What is the current offering in terms of employee wellbeing benefits and initiatives?
- What do employees want and need?
- What are competitors offering?
2. Agree budget and resources.
Review costs and create a business case. Determine metrics and statistics that will help you to monitor the effectiveness of the wellbeing strategy and measure the return on investment.
3.Develop your strategy.
Based on your objectives and budget, agree the initiatives that will help you deliver the wellbeing strategy and achieve your goal and find partners to deliver the initiatives.
4.Launch the wellbeing strategy
Communicate the strategy with employee briefings and create a regular time to discuss and hold events related to wellbeing.
5. Review and improve
Regularly evaluate your metrics to check the effectiveness of the strategy and use data to improve the offering and further support employees.
Launching a wellbeing strategy is a great opportunity to communicate with employees, organise activities and celebrate the benefits on offer to staff.
If you require any support with creating your wellbeing strategy, please email me, polly@rathbonehrsolutions.co.uk and i’ll be happy to assist.